Hi, I'm Sara

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Sara inspires people to see themselves in a different light

Sara is a joyful listener who offers one-on-one coaching to understand, inspire, and encourage women to see themselves in a fresh, authentic light.

Through The Golden Hour, Sara uses her experience as a wife (20 years!), mother (16 years!), friend (40+ years!), as well as 15+ year photography experience, and convictions of her Catholic faith to help you frame or REframe your life in an authentic and personal way.

Sara is midwest born and raised. She believes in hard work, cultivating a life you love, and seeking joy, even in the hard stuff. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she’s walked the walk! Years of adversity and painful experiences have fortified her resolve to live a life rooted in faith that fosters the cultivation of the kind of life you were meant for. Sara is a cheerleader. Not the rah-rah hold my poms kind of cheerleader, but more like your best friend that wants what you want just as much as you!. Sara is the kind of person that invites you to grab a blanket, curl up, and stay awhile. You’ll immediately be warmed by her ability to put you at ease in any situation.

Sara coaches clients seeking a greater sense of joy in various areas of life, including career, relationships, health, spirituality, personal growth, and overall well-being. She helps clients develop self-awareness, enhance their strengths, improve their mindset, and take practical steps towards achieving their goals, with joy!

Silhouettes of 3 kids at sunset

Sara's Catholic Backgorund

Is it important for you to know that Sara’s faith is from a Catholic background? That’s up to you! The Golden Hour is not only for those of the Catholic faith. It is for people who appreciate a faithful perspective rooted in Christianity. Sometimes your goals and dreams align with your faith, and in that circumstance, a person may seek input from someone with a similar background. You can trust that Sara is a professional that appreciates and values every individual as God made them, and is focused on YOU meeting your goals whilst adding true joy into every aspect of your life.

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"After our initial conversation where I explained my goals to Sara, she and I worked together on a very clear plan of action for how I would accomplish these goals. She took the time to understand my background, current lifestyle, and where I wanted to be in the future. She came prepared with exercises and tools to help me discover ways that I can accomplish my goals."

-Victoria Harp, Coaching Client

"I loved how Sara asked me thought-provoking questions in one session and came back to the next session with a well-thought-out, well-written story of how my goals could play out. It really helped me visualize my future and put an action plan to my goals."

-Coaching Client

"I LOVE these pictures so much! I can’t even pick a favorite! ABSOLUTELY YES to next year!"

-Mel, Photography Client

"Thank you for the beautiful photos! I have a few favorites already. There were a lot to love and I appreciate that so much. The edits look so good, and I am so happy with them."

-Jamie, Photography Client

"Such beauty! I did oohs and aahs through the whole gallery! Thank you for capturing my best girl."

-Senior Mom, Photography Client

"Sara, we love the pictures!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to work with us and picking great spots to do the photo shoot. We are really happy with the whole process...you were great!"

-Senior Mom, Photography Client

"Thank you so much again, Sara. I enjoyed your presentation so much and the response from the group was so positive."

-Meghan, Non-Profit Communication Director

The Golden Hour

Professional Life Coaching is not legal, medical, or clinical advice.